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Wednesday, 7 November 2018

How to Make Passive Income - Introducing Version 5.0 - FUNNEL PROFIT.

The CB Passive Income License Program was launched back in August 2013 and has helped hundreds of marketers and newbies to make money online.

In 2014, we’ve upgraded the product to version 2.0 so that you’ll be able to get more leads from your promotion and also to generate passive income.

After that, we’ve released version 3.0. With version 3.0, you’ll now have MULTIPLE “secret pages” to promote.

Why is this important to increase your profit?

Because it’ll create multiple streams of income for you. For instance, instead of promoting the software offer, you can also promote our social media offer. This will be focused for those who wants to learn on how to make money online from Facebook.

In version 4.0, we go "mobile".

There are over 2.6 billion smartphone users worldwide and according to StatCounter, 37% of website visits in 2015 were generated by mobile web browsers. On top of that, mobile ad spend is higher than for desktop ads.

So we created the Facebook Click-To-Optin Feature.

Not only your done-for-you webpages are mobile-friendly to convert for you, your mobile traffic visitors will be able to subcribe without even typing their email addresses! They'll automatically optin through their Facebook email address when they click the "optin button".

What does this also means? It means, you're going to be able to buy traffic at a much lower cost because mobile traffic is cheap. But they are as targeted as desktop traffic when you have a "mobile-adapted" offer to promote.

This also means you'll be getting more subscribers and making more sales because 30% of your traffic will not get "wasted" anymore. 

Here's one testimonial from thousands of our customers, Ginn, for version 3.0. This is even before 4.0 was released yet...
Enter Version 5.0 For 2018
The hottest marketing strategy for the recent years, including 2018 is FUNNELING.

In version 5.0, you'll now able to CLONE my proven funnels.

So you're not just cloning my products and webpages, but an entire funnel...
  • Optin FUNNEL
  • Book FUNNEL
  •  Evergreen Webinar FUNNEL
It doesn't even ends here yet because the CORE ENGINE of this system is in the email follow ups and fresh email broadcasts. Every single email promo sent will carry your ClickBank ID to generate 100% of the affiliate commission. You're not splitting with me, they are all YOURS.

Let me say this again - I'm not referring to those typical outdated set of autoresponder follow up emails. 

We actually send out fresh new content and newsletter EACH WEEK and all of them are optimized to monetize for you, while you're NOT DOING ANYTHING AT ALL.
Here's another happy customer, Ryan DiParisi

"What Are The Products I’m Getting In The System Today?”
Technically, these are the 6 components you’ll be getting...
1. Your Own Clone “Secret Web Page”
You’ll get a clone of my “secret web page” that is ready-to-go, whereby you DO NOT need to do anything else with it, other than to promote the unique link that’s created for you.

We’ll handle all of the technicalities of the web page including the hosting fees.

On top of that, we’ll constantly be updating your website on your behalf to give you the highest performance and conversion.

There's an entire back-end software system to track your commissions and leads generated. 

So you’ll also be able to see the number of visitors to your website and how many subscribers you have in the system.

In the latest version of 5.0, you’ll now get to clone my FUNNEL as well.

2. Valuable Products To Give Away
The fact is, our free gift products are highly valuable to attract leads. It would probably cost you around $1,500 if you were to hire a writer to write this kind of content. The good news is, we’ll periodically update and even change the free gift as and when is needed. Just so you know, you don’t need to do anything more – we take care of everything behind the scenes for you.

The Free Gift Products are already “integrated” with your clone webpage. YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANYTHING HERE, IT'S ALL AUTOMATED.

3. An Income Stream from The System
Remember, I’ll produce the content, research the good products, craft marketing campaigns, promote the offers for you through the system.

At the same time, I’ll also look for new membership products to promote so that you’ll earn monthly commissions from the products sold.

With version 5.0, the software will automatically “insert” your affiliate ID inside the products recommended in the FUNNEL dashboard, thus, allowing you to create more passive income.

4. A LIFETIME Commission
When you get people to subscribe to your “secret web page” for free, which should be very easy to do indeed… you’ll earn a LIFETIME of commission for each product they buy from our promotion! 

We will do the selling for you, the subscribers don’t even know that you make the commission.

5. A Solid Internet Business
This is not the latest shining object that hits the market. Not at all. We created the system since 2013 and it’s still working. The reason is, we’ve continue improving the system. 

You’re truly building a real solid business here with us, WITHOUT the high cost of development and so on.

Like I said earlier, the reason why you can do this successfully is because you’re CLONING my proven system and getting ME to work for you, for free too! 

This is all automatically integrated within the software system.

If it wasn’t for this system, you would need to hire designers, content writers, a copywriter and even an email marketer! There are heavy costs involved, it’s just that all of them are “waived” for you when you get CB Passive Income License Program 5.0 today.

This has been proven to work with hundreds of success stories. This is why we’ve now upgraded the system to 5.0 for you to take advantage of it.

6. Access To My Promotion Training Courses
The only action you need is to drive your own traffic. We do not do this for you.

But the good news is, you’ll get access to my video training and manuals on how to promote your new-found internet business so that you can achieve mammoth success with this business! 

The training is structured to be step-by-step so that you can follow it easily and these methods have been proven time and time again to be effective. 

With this knowledge, you’ll never run out of prospects to reach for your internet business.

With version 5.0, we have added more video training to teach you about online promotions and how to get free traffic!

"Here's HOW CB Passive Income is TOTALLY Different Than Any Other System That Promises To Make Auto-Pilot Income For You..."
I know there are a lot of "software systems" out there that promise to help you make money.

Trust me, in my 15 years of being in this industry, I've probably seen it all.

But before I share my humble opinion of why the CB Passive Income is different and it can live up to it's promise, do you realize that others don't even dare to put up their own names to "endorse" their own products? 

And even if they do, they probably have no real reputation.

First, let me be outright blunt with you - there is no such thing as a "push button" magic software. Most of these systems are selling the concept of clicking a few buttons and everything will be auto-pilot. 

Truth is, there is A LOT OF WORK involved to make money on auto-pilot.

And the reason why CB Passive Income can work is because ALL OF THESE HARD WORK are still happening, the difference is, you're not doing it. They're "taken care" by me and my team behind the scene.

So when we work hard every day, you're the one who's making the money. Thus, it becomes auto-pilot to you.

Frankly, I've personally paid a similar system like this for $1,997.

Click This For get the Discount for Register 

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